Air Curtain Benefits in 2023 – Mitzvah Air Curtain Prices

Air curtains, also known as air doors, are devices widely used in commercial and industrial settings to create an invisible barrier of air that separates two different environments while allowing the easy flow of people and goods. They offer numerous benefits, ranging from energy savings and insect control to improved indoor comfort and noise reduction. In this article, we will explore the advantages of air curtains in detail and discuss their applications in various sectors.

Top Air Curtain Benefits in 2023
1. Introduction to Air Curtains

Air curtains have gained popularity as an effective solution for maintaining indoor climate control and reducing energy costs. They consist of a high-velocity stream of air that is blown across an opening, such as a doorway, creating a seal against outside elements while still allowing unobstructed access. This continuous stream of air acts as a barrier, preventing the exchange of conditioned indoor air with the outside environment.

2. How Air Curtains Work

Air curtains operate on the principle of entrainment, which involves the use of a powerful fan to create a high-velocity air stream. This air stream forms a shield between the inside and outside environments, effectively preventing the infiltration of outside air, dust, pollutants, and insects. The air curtain creates a laminar flow that separates the two spaces while allowing people and objects to pass through with ease.

3. Energy-Saving Benefits of Air Curtains

One of the significant advantages of air curtains is their ability to save energy by minimizing heat or cool air loss. When installed at entrances, they help maintain the indoor temperature by preventing drafts and controlling the exchange of air. By reducing the infiltration of outside air, air curtains contribute to lower energy consumption, resulting in cost savings and increased HVAC system efficiency.

4. Maintaining Indoor Comfort with Air Curtains

Air curtains play a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable indoor environment for building occupants. By creating an effective air barrier, they eliminate drafts near entrances, improving thermal comfort and preventing temperature imbalances. This helps to maintain consistent indoor temperatures and reduces the need for frequent adjustments to the HVAC system, enhancing overall comfort for occupants.

5. Controlling Insects and Airborne Contaminants

Insect control is another significant benefit of air curtains. By generating a high-velocity air stream across doorways, air curtains create a physical barrier that prevents insects, flies, and other pests from entering the premises. This is particularly valuable in industries such as food service, healthcare, and manufacturing, where maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is critical.

6. Enhancing HVAC System Performance with Air Curtains

Air curtains work in synergy with HVAC systems, optimizing their performance and reducing the workload. By preventing the influx of outside air, air curtains help maintain the desired indoor temperature, humidity levels, and air quality, allowing HVAC systems to operate more efficiently. This leads to energy savings, extended equipment lifespan, and improved overall system performance.

7. Noise Reduction with Air Curtains

In addition to their thermal and insect control benefits, air curtains also contribute to noise reduction. The high-velocity air stream created by air curtains acts as a sound barrier, blocking external noise from entering the indoor space. This is particularly advantageous for buildings located in busy areas, near airports, or in proximity to noisy machinery, as it helps to create a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment.

8. Design and Installation Considerations

When selecting and installing air curtains, several factors should be taken into account. These include the size and layout of the doorway, the building’s air pressure differentials, the desired air curtain performance, and the specific requirements of the application. Proper design and professional installation are crucial to ensure the optimal effectiveness and efficiency of air curtains at good price.

9. Applications of Air Curtains

Air curtains find applications in various industries and sectors. They are commonly used in retail stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, airports, and other commercial and industrial spaces. Their versatility and effectiveness make them suitable for any location that requires environmental separation and energy efficiency.

10. Cost-Effectiveness and ROI of Air Curtains

Investing in Air curtains price can yield significant cost savings over time. By reducing energy consumption and improving HVAC system efficiency, businesses can experience a return on investment (ROI) relatively quickly. The actual cost-effectiveness depends on factors such as the size of the space, energy prices, and the specific benefits achieved by implementing air curtains.

11. Environmental Benefits of Air Curtains

In addition to their financial advantages, air curtains also offer environmental benefits. By reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, air curtains contribute to a more sustainable future. They help businesses minimize their carbon footprint and align with environmental initiatives and regulations.

12. Choosing the Right Air Curtain for Your Needs

Selecting the appropriate air curtain for a specific application requires careful consideration of various factors. These include the size and location of the doorway, the desired performance specifications, the environmental conditions, and any specific requirements or regulations applicable to the industry or sector. Consulting with air curtain experts can assist in choosing the right product for optimal results.

13. Case Studies and Success Stories

Numerous businesses and organizations have implemented air curtains and experienced positive outcomes. Case studies and success stories highlight the practical applications of air curtains in various industries and provide real-world examples of their benefits. These examples can serve as valuable references for businesses considering the installation of air curtains.

14. Common Misconceptions About Air Curtains

While air curtains offer numerous benefits, there are also some misconceptions associated with their use. Addressing these misconceptions helps to provide accurate information and clarify any misunderstandings. Common misconceptions include concerns about air curtain noise, their ability to replace traditional doors entirely, and their compatibility with different climates.

15. Conclusion

Air curtains are highly effective tools for maintaining indoor comfort, reducing energy costs, controlling insects, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Their ability to create an invisible barrier of air makes them versatile and valuable in various commercial and industrial applications. By selecting the right air curtain and implementing it correctly, businesses can enjoy the numerous benefits they offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can air curtains replace traditional doors?

No, air curtains are not intended to replace traditional doors entirely. They complement doors by providing an additional layer of protection against outdoor elements while allowing easy access for people and objects.

Q2: Are air curtains suitable for residential use?

While air curtains are more commonly used in commercial and industrial settings, they can be adapted for residential use in specific cases, such as high-end homes or locations with unique environmental considerations.

Q3: Do air curtains require regular maintenance?

Yes, like any other mechanical device, air curtains require regular maintenance to ensure optimally

Air Curtains for Food Processing Industries

air curtains in food processing industries

In food processing facilities, air curtains for food processing industries do more than just maintain the temperature

While an air curtain may be useful for the majority of businesses, food processing facilities face a unique set of challenges. In order to comply with the standards imposed by several organizations, including the Food and Drug Administration, these facilities must routinely keep certain sections cool and insect-free. This is because they must adhere to a variety of rules and procedures. Compliance with rules is important for the success of any company that processes food, and installing an air curtain is a good way to do that.

Installation of an air curtain allows food processing facilities to keep their entrance door open during work hours without worrying about the building overheating. By leaving the doors of a grocery store or other business open, the business becomes more welcoming to consumers and safer in the event of a fire or other emergency. Heating and cooling costs, which would otherwise be too high for most businesses, are also reduced.

  • Air curtain: a controller of pests
  • Insect and pest infestations are the worst nightmares of every food processing plant. Insect infestations are common in food processing plants that aren’t protected because insects tend to gather in places like that.

    Smoke, odors, and bugs are all filtered away by air curtains. An air curtain lets businesses store perishable goods without worrying about cross-contamination. It improves the whole environment for shoppers, including their health and safety.


  • Helps in keeping the ambience clean

    A filthy food processing factory is the single greatest source of possible contamination in the food supply. The ability to maintain a clean and sanitary processing area is critical for maintaining a quality environment and product and remaining in compliance with applicable regulations. By being easily cleaned and not susceptible to corrosion, air curtains save time and effort during the cleaning process for both business owners and personnel. Infection and mould development are both likely to occur in a food processing facility.

    There will be no complaints or discomfort from those waiting in line to pay. Loading docks, stockrooms, and other facilities will be kept clean and hygienic if harmful substances are prevented from entering the building when an air curtain is used at every entrance of the food processing plant or food mart.

Important factor while mounting an air curtain in a food processing facility

When choosing an air curtain, one of the most essential considerations to make is whether or not it fully covers the entrance. This should be done even if there is some overlap on both sides of the curtain, as this will guarantee optimum performance and block all possible access points for insects.

Air curtains may be installed either inside or outdoors; however, it is recommended that they be used outside to section off areas that are prone to infestation by insects. In addition to fending off insects, these air curtains may also deter rodents, as food attracts all types of rodents that can compromise the hygiene of the food mart or food facility. This is because, as shown by a number of studies, the feeling that is produced by the air curtain’s air on the skin of rodents is repellent, and they avoid it.

Drying times will be cut down with the use of air curtains

Air curtains might be useful in cold storage food facilities for handling moist floors, ice, and condensation. Since the interior of the cold storage is much colder than the outside, ice and condensation have formed at the entrances. As a result, there might be a lot of leaking and other strange concerns, particularly in humid areas. A facility’s cold storage food market’s customers and employees are put in danger as a result of all of these factors. Air curtains are meant to reduce the effects of these hazards, making the workplace safer for employees.

Air curtains may also help speed up the drying process for leakage, wet floors, and mechanical tools. For the purpose of drying, a commercial dryer is required, which will require a substantial amount of space to adjust. As a result, they are not practical for enterprises of any size. The question is, “What’s the cure for this?” The only help we can receive is from the air curtain. It remains a one-stop solution for all the purposes needed at food processing facilities.

Reduce your energy bill with the help of air curtains

To maintain a comfortable temperature within the building while using as little energy as possible is a fundamental motivation for installing an air curtain in almost every business. This also includes factories that prepare food. By acting as a barrier at entrances and preventing the passage of conditioned air from within a mall or building to the outside, air curtains create a microclimate with a distinct temperature gradient. Air curtains are useful in both the winter when they keep the warm air from your heaters inside, and the summer, when they keep the cool air from your air conditioner inside.

To know more about Air Curtains visit: or book your order by dialing 9211092110.

Why should you use Air Curtains in Dairy Farms?

Air Curtains for Dairy Farm

With the help of air curtains in dairy farms, two different environments can be separated without the need for a physical door. Once the door opens, the machine lets out a stream of air that doesn’t get in the way of any movement. They are not only a must-have for any type of building or industry, but they also cut your annual energy use by 80% and save you a tonne of money.

Air curtains have been used for decades to save energy on industrial building entrances and, more recently, on commercial building entrances like hospitals, hotels, and schools. Now, they are being used successfully on dairy farms to keep milking parlor equipment from freezing up. They also help stop the growth of housefly larvae and the spread of hay dust across the farm.

Air curtain helps to create a free-fly zone

Many farmers find the presence of house flies and stable flies to be an annoyance on their dairy farms. Not only can they cause trouble for farmers and livestock, but they also stress out cows, resulting in less milk being produced. In addition, research shows that flies spread many other types of animal illnesses, such as diarrhea, mastitis, Rift Valley fever, and bluetongue. Since this is the case, having houseflies or stable flies on a dairy farm is not only annoying but also potentially harmful.

Flying insects are unable to penetrate air velocities of 4,133 to 4,527 feet per minute, which are typical of air curtain discharge velocities. Air curtains let employees come and go as they please through open doors, but they keep flying insects out, which could be bad for the employees happiness, health, and cleanliness.

Using air curtains helps in reducing energy use thus saving money

The capacity of air curtains in dairy farms or buildings to keep in heat or air conditioning is becoming more crucial as energy prices continue to rise. Even though many farm buildings have heaters for the animals and the workers, few have air conditioning.

Air curtains have the potential to reduce the amount of heat lost from an outdoor event by as much as 80%. The return on investment for an air curtain that reduces energy use is typically under 4 months.

Many farms that prepare meat on-site or store food find that air curtains keep everything cool and dry. Installation of air curtain systems designed for walk-in coolers may help farms save a lot of money on their power bills.

Why to Ventilate a Dairy Plant by using an air curtain

Ventilation is the process of circulating air to keep the air quality in a building stable. The ventilation system makes clean air while getting rid of contaminants, heat, dust, harmful gases, and unpleasant smells. In dairy plants, large amounts of water, cleaning agents, hot water, and steam are used for a variety of tasks.
The relative humidity of the air goes up when water evaporates from several places. Higher relative humidity levels are not good because they make it uncomfortable for farm workers to do their jobs. Most people need relative humidity between 60 and 65 percent and air temperatures between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius to be comfortable.
Without good air quality management, keeping a plant that processes fluid milk comfortable is hard. Increased humidity makes corrosion and mold growth. It should be noted that it may not be possible to get good air quality with ventilation alone and that a cooling system may be needed to make sure that the factory has the best air quality. Ventilation is important for hygiene and product quality in the dairy industry. Milk and milk products are hurt by odors that get trapped in places with poor ventilation.

What are the benefits of using an air curtain on a dairy farm?

  • Large and powerful air currents make it easier to avoid flying insects, rodents, and dust. It purifies and filters the air in the room.
  • Air curtains is the best way for dairy farms to save energy because they stop air from flowing between the inside and outside.
  • The air curtain makes it easy to move around while keeping the temperature and humidity levels the same in both rooms.
  • To transport a lot of milk or milk products, you need to be mobile.
  • The Air Curtain Machine keeps the inside temperature stable, protects it from outside smells and dust, and keeps it clean. It stops diseases from spreading and keeps hay dust out of the facility.

Why an Automatic ON/OFF Air Curtain Is Necessary for Dairy Farm

The air curtain should be automated to reduce the possibility of human error. The dairy sector is just one of several that are increasingly pushing for greater levels of machine control. In this setup, the fan will activate immediately upon the opening of the door. The fan turns off mechanically when the door is closed.

This automation may be implemented at a minimal cost and achieve remarkable efficiency.

To do this, an infrared or electrical sensor is attached to the door. The sensor detects when the door is opened and sends a signal to turn on the fan. It’s possible that the door-opening switch’s control panel, in addition to a sensor, will send out an alert.

Due to the excessive mobility of animals, workers, or machines at dairy farms, it is very difficult to maintain the temperature barrier between the two environments, and that too, manually. So it’s best to use an automated air curtain that turns on and off by capturing the movements of every individual.

How Air Curtains Can Help Your Restaurant to Earn Profits

air curtains for restaurant

Cafes and restaurants earn a profit by offering their customers high-quality food and drinks that can be accessed quickly. They must ensure that customers who dine in the restaurant have a pleasant and clean environment to eat in while also ensuring that customers get in and out of the restaurant quickly and that the drive-thru business operates as effectively as possible. Air Curtains for Restaurant help to earn profits.

Cafes and restaurants face many challenges that must be overcome in order to remain profitable in an increasingly competitive market

As an industry, eating establishments such as restaurants are among the most competitive out there. 60 percent of businesses fail during their first year, and over 70 percent fail before their third year of operation. Several issues exist that might prevent a firm from ever getting off the ground, which is quite concerning.

Challenges that are needed to be overcome include:

  • Overall satisfaction and comfort are the primary needs of every customer out there. Less comfort and coziness are directly proportionate to fewer customers with each passing year.
  • Ambience is the most important aspect of visiting a restaurant; thus, cleanliness is most important.
  • A well-ventilated space is most important for coziness.
  • Food needed to be fresh & free of flies and contamination.

Due to the organic nature of the raw materials used in restaurants, they attract insects such as flies and mosquitoes. Fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and food waste are all things that these insects like to eat. They may not only be painful, but they may also be dangerous to public health, which could affect the hotel and restaurant business.

There is one simple way to overcome all the problems mentioned above

A simple and effective way to beat the competition is to put up an air curtain. There are many benefits for restaurants, such as lower energy costs and happier employees. Depending on the situation, air curtains may be a good way to solve a variety of problems. You probably have a lot of questions about air curtains right now. For your convenience, we’ve put together a list of everything you need to know about air curtains for restaurants.

Mitzvah is the most knowledgeable company about air curtains, and our experts can help you find the best one for your restaurant. Before talking about why you should get air curtains for restaurants, it’s important to know how they work. One of the many abilities of the air curtains is to keep bugs out, and they can be found at Mitzvah.

  • It establishes a robust interior atmosphere that increases overall consumer comfort and satisfaction.
  • In a busy location, such as a cafe or restaurant, doors are often opened and closed, bringing in outside temperatures and rendering the present heating and cooling systems incapable of keeping up. Air curtains minimize this additional strain by providing the required barrier to maintain a pleasant environment without overusing the air conditioning system.
  • By eliminating flying insects without the use of pesticides, air curtains make it simpler to keep kitchens clean and in compliance with health regulations.
  • Both customers and workers may benefit from cleaner and safer surroundings in cafes and restaurants. This system enhances ventilation and air circulation in a quiet, energy-efficient way, while ionization technology destroys pathogens, mold spores, and viruses at the point of entry.

Why does your restaurant require an air curtain?

Air curtains are now widely acknowledged as a valuable restaurant resource. Restaurant operators that use them well may enjoy long-term rewards. The organization benefits from the fact that it does not need significant investment.

Depending on the demands, you may be able to install an air curtain at a cost-effective rate, budgeting between a few thousand rupees and several thousand rupees. Most people who buy an air curtain will get their money’s worth in less than four months.

Let’s examine the additional advantages a restaurant owner may get from an air curtain:

  • It eases the load on heating and cooling systems that are already in place. The amount of heat lost at restaurant entrances is greatly reduced by an effective air curtain. If less heat is lost, the current heating system might not have to work as hard as it does. This could lead to less overall use, which could make your current heating system last longer and work better. In the summer, air conditioning has the same effect.
  • The “open door” policy states directly that the restaurant is open throughout regular business hours. Customers will feel welcomed if there is an “open door” policy since they will see it as an invitation to enter. After viewing prospective customers, you’ll attract passers-by to peep inside your restaurant’s entryway. It may only take that to attract new customers who would not have stopped in the first place.

Installations of Air Curtains at certain places in Restaurants:

Air curtains for restaurant may be put across windows and doors to prevent air intrusion. You may opt to install air curtains in the following areas for a variety of reasons:

  • At the Entrance

    The restaurant’s entrance is the busiest passageway. The ambiance inside a restaurant will differ drastically from its outside, which definitely needs to be cleaner. An air curtain will preserve the appropriate working atmosphere inside a restaurant.

  • Acts as Energy and life saver

    When in need of a single piece of equipment that would help you in saving energy every month for the long run, an air curtain does serve its purpose.

  • At the Cooking Areas

    Food preparation and cooking areas are often subject to higher cleanliness and temperature regulations. Food will be kept clean, and the temperature of the cooking area will be controlled with the assistance of an air curtain. Customers will be happy to find out that your food is cooked in the best way possible.

  • Transmission Interval

    A fast food restaurant’s drive-through window allows insects to fly through. A correctly fitted air curtain over the kitchen’s drive-through window would stop pests from moving in.

  • Walk in and out to freezers

    The collection of water at walk-in freezers is a crucial concern for big restaurant owners. The air’s moisture is released when it comes into contact with the freezer’s cold surfaces. This may place personnel in perilous situations. Workers will be safer, and less water will collect, if a curtain of air separates warm and cold air.

To buy air curtain dial 92110-92110 now.

Why Air Curtains are an excellent choice for Clinics and Healthcare?

air curtains for clinics

As the place of treatment and recovery – hospitals, clinics, and health care needs best air quality than commercial offices or retail centers, to get people healthy again, and prevent airborne toxins from making diseases worse. That’s why air curtains for clinics, hospital, and healthcare are a great solution.

Hospitals have intimidating environments for the workers who toil relentlessly every day to safeguard lives and provide top-notch care. The health of the patients in hospitals depends on clean, comfortable surroundings. The operational needs of large medical facilities present issues in controlling energy consumption, air quality monitoring, and ensuring that patients have access to meals prepared in a clean environment. Although air curtains are common in organizations like restaurants and grocery stores, the question arises. Should a place like a hospital use them? Why should a Healthcare facility spend money on additional equipment?

The answer to that question is a clear “yes.” And a definite yes. In fact, air curtains may be used by hospitals in a variety of circumstances. Although they may provide comfort, hospitals should take into account other, more significant benefits that are more mission-critical. Think about the best way to use this cutting-edge technology in an existing or future hospital.

Problems with the air quality in hospitals

The main reason hospitals have to spend additional funds on air quality is that they have to deal with more contaminants than other confined spaces. Patients and employees are two of the most important things that got affected by the air quality in hospitals. There is a much higher chance that some of the sick people in hospitals, who have a wide range of illnesses, will give off highly contagious pollutants that will affect the air quality inside.

The new study shows that

  • Droplets with a diameter of 100 micrometers can travel five times farther than was thought before,
  • Droplets with a diameter of 10 micrometers can travel 200 times farther, and
  • Droplets with a diameter of fewer than 50 micrometers can stay in the air long enough to reach ceiling ventilation units.

Before, most experts thought that a cough could send out a cloud of infectious particles as far as 200 feet.

This study helped us learn how airborne pollutants can hurt the air quality in hospitals and cause outbreaks of diseases. The results of this study and analysis could be used to focus on and improve things like separating patients in hospitals and improving ventilation and filtration in small spaces.

But for a good air filtration plan to be put into place, medical authorities need to have enough resources, which is often all about money. Installing an air curtain in this crucial situation would certainly be a help to all the individuals present at any healthcare organization:

  • Air curtains for clinics would separate the contagious environment from the spaces where the workers or other patients are present.
  • If there was an air curtain at the main entrance, insects or dust wouldn’t be able to get in.
  • The advanced air curtain from Mitzvah would help to purify the air with one piece of equipment, so no additional air purifier is needed. This becomes a money saver.
  • Separating the hot from the cold zone in the hospital and maintaining the temperature requires extra energy. And an air curtains for clinics is the best way to keep that balance and save money at the same time.

Why does the air curtain remain the best solution for hospitals and healthcare facilities?

High-traffic areas house departments including wards, outpatient waiting rooms, testing rooms, surgery rooms, labs, food services, cafeterias, laundry facilities, and more. Once an air curtain is deployed, there is no way for air or pollutants to go through it. Aids in preventing unwanted pollutants and contaminants from entering the room. It prevents clutter and minimizes the ingress of flying insects. It also helps to dampen any distracting sounds or smells.

In addition to their simple operation, Mitzvah Air Curtains are complex equipment since they have a disinfection and purification system in one piece of equipment. When compared to traditional air curtains, our air doors are more efficient and flexible. It helps in:

  • Suppression of pathogens and eradication of bacteria.
  • Reducing the concentration of noxious VOCs in the air (volatile organic compounds).
  • To get rid of pollen and dust mites.

This allows us to use our air curtains in two different ways. Its dual use as an air cleaner and a barrier against outside air pollution is impressive. Our products may be used to purify the air and sanitize the space.

Saves Energy

Apart from protecting the restricted area from pollutants, the air curtain also helps save energy. Thus, air curtains become dual in nature. An air curtain at the front door not only keeps things neat and tidy but also has the added benefit of regulating the temperature inside. When temperatures outside are high, it prevents hot air from entering the building while allowing cold air from the air conditioner to remain inside, even if the door is left open for a while. Putting in an air door in a medical facility has been shown to make patients feel more comfortable, save energy, and make the place safer.

Using air curtains can make an intensive care unit runs smoothly

In the healthcare industry, the intensive care unit is among the busiest places. The doors are kept open around the clock because of the seemingly endless stream of patients, visitors, and emergency personnel. All sorts of airborne threats, such as mosquitoes, smog, car exhaust, wet air, viruses, and the like, enter at this point. It’s just as crucial to have clean air indoors as it is outside. In these conditions, it is important to control the sources of heat, moisture, airborne particles, and other pollutants, as well as any air leaks to the outside. Only then will the air inside be safe to breathe.

  • Pollutants and exhaust fumes should not be allowed to enter enclosed spaces.
  • Help “Filter” the air coming into the unit.
  • Hold temperatures at an equilibrium stage.
  • Keep the emergency room’s humidity at a steady level.

Air Curtains for Equipment Industries for Better Insect & Thermo Control


Air curtains – sometimes called air doors – are widely used in industrial and retail settings. The air curtains are used in equipment industries for insect and thermo control. These machines provide continuous airflow at the door. In fact, airflow prevents untreated outside air as well as insects, dust, and fumes from entering the protected space. Air curtains have many applications in all walks of life.

Available in both belt-driven and direct-drive models, industrial air curtains are used in distribution centers, manufacturing plants, and even the semiconductor industry to keep temperatures stable and keep insects out when doors are open. Prevention of thermal cycling and exclusion of insects can improve energy efficiency and sanitation control in such facilities.

Want to add more warmth to your application? Industrial air curtains can be heated, including direct gas and indirect gas heaters.

Industrial air curtains offer many more benefits besides providing an easily accessible permeable barrier (research). By installing air curtains, you can create an environment that reduces toxins, bacteria, and pollutants and helps reduce odors.

They also offer unique benefits to businesses using airlocks for different sectors. By installing a unit, companies can maintain positive pressure in clean rooms and reduce condensation in large storage areas.

Some unique applications and how industrial air curtains can benefit:

Outdoor and Outdoor Air Curtains

Mitzvah Air Curtains Outdoor air curtains are ideal for areas that allow people to sit inside but have doors and windows open. However, without an external air curtain, there are problems with nearby traffic emissions, general pollution, and insects.

With an outside air curtain, you can seal off the area when doors and windows are open. Outdoor air curtains help seal the air and keep harmful pollutants out.

Opening the door helps with ventilation. The industrial damper has a beautiful invisible divider that separates the two areas. While remaining welcoming to customers and allowing employees to roam freely, increasing productivity.

Cold Storage and Walk-In Freezers

The industrial air curtain specially designed for cold storage can control the large temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. Improper calibration can cause frosting and excess moisture.

Each application is unique, so a trained professional should be able to assess your needs. You’ll want to check factors such as what’s being stored, the temperature on both sides of the door, and even how often the door is opened.

Industrial air curtain size

Industrial applications not only use different standard technology variants of dampers, but the most obvious one is size.

Typical sizes for industrial air curtains:







210” Inches

Industrial air curtain units are available in widths up to 10 feet and are configured to be effectively strung together. Installation of such industrial dampers may require additional support structures.

Features of industrial air curtains

High-performance industrial air curtains offer many important advantages over standard commercial air curtains. They keep employees comfortable while keeping bugs, dust, dirt, and unconditioned air out. When installed correctly, industrial air curtains can block wind speeds of up to 40 km/h.

Why Should You Use Mitzvah Air Curtains For Meat Processing Industry?

Air Curtains for Meat Processing

Mitzvah manufacturers and suppliers of stainless-steel air curtains can be used inside meat processing industries to prevent insects and flies entry and bad odor from exchanged between indoor and outdoor premises while maintaining the air conditioning for a prolonged duration necessary to save the meat from rotten.

In this blog we will get to know about stainless-steel air curtains, and how it is suitable for meat processing industries.

Stainless steel air curtains provide meat processing facilities, not just temperature control, but also ease of cleaning.

Stainless steel air curtains for the meat processing industry can improve hygiene, and most companies can benefit from using them; the meat processing industry faces unique challenges. Faced with a variety of regulations and requirements, these facilities are challenged daily to keep specific areas cool and insect-free to meet regulations set by various organizations including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standard. Compliance with regulations is critical to the success of any meat processing facility, and implementing a stainless steel air curtain is ideal for getting the job done!

Provides Insect Control

The other thing meat processing needs is a fly and insects removed from the food processing area. Flying insects are naturally attracted to food, and if a meat processing industry is exposed to intrusion, it is vulnerable to insect attack. Stainless steel air curtains are the ideal solution to keep pesky insects away from the meat on our plates. As with all air curtain systems, the constant airflow from the stainless steel air curtain keeps pests out of the processing equipment and away from the meat.

Provides temperature control

Any business owner with a brick-and-mortar store will face the same struggle when it comes to keeping the temperature outside and inside. One of the biggest advantages of an air curtain is its ability to keep internal temperatures cool and at the proper level to maintain quality and control within a meat processing industry. The engineered Air Force creates a seal that is strong enough to keep outside temperatures out, even if workers walk through the cooling zone from the inside out. Nothing spoils the quality of meat cuts like the hot summer sun, so strict temperature control in meat processing industry is important for quality control.

Helps Meet FDA and USDA Requirements

With their ability to deter pests, stainless steel air curtains can help meatpackers meet FDA and USDA requirements. According to, the FDA specifically recommends the use of air curtain systems at loading docks and delivery gates to repel bugs. More specifically, many states actually require air curtains to be installed in certain areas of food processing facilities.

Reduces the Risk of Sanitation Issues

People are now more and more concerned about how our food is grown, how our food is fed and how it is processed. Using stainless steel air curtains in your meat processing industry can significantly reduce the risk of sanitation issues as the product will help keep insects that transmit food-borne illnesses out.

Easy to keep clean

Nothing is more likely to be unsanitary than an unclean meat processing industry. The ability to keep processing areas clean and sanitized is important to comply with FDA and USDA regulations and to maintain a quality environment and quality products. The washable stainless steel air curtain offers business owners and workers a simplified cleaning process as the product easily removes bacteria without the risk of corrosion. Stainless steel air curtains are generally cleaned in the same way as other equipment in a meat processing factory.

Reduce Energy Consumption and Costs

While the needs of the meat processing industry may differ from those of other companies, the addition of stainless steel air curtains offers benefits that are universal no matter what kind of business you are in, and reduced energy consumption and costs are the most important of all types. One of the advantages of the air curtain. By maintaining temperature control, stainless steel air curtains help meat processors and other businesses save on energy consumption and associated costs.

Are you prepared to enhance sanitation, air quality, and electricity financial savings in your meat processing industry or business? Consider the use of a stainless-steel air curtain and its benefits. Mitzvah Air Curtain Distributors is equipped to help you in identifying the fantastic air curtain for your unique enterprise and needs. Call at 92110-92110 or fill out our contact form

Mitzvah Air Curtain- Highly Energy Efficient Models

Mitzvah Air Curtains

The Mitzvah air curtain is a highly energy-efficient model. The air curtains are manufacturer and supplier world number-1 Company in India. The Best Part of Mitzvah air curtains is they manufacture silent air curtains.

Air curtains are a magnificent preference for any commercial enterprise that’s looking to maintain its premises protected from contaminants and pollution or to keep ultimate temperatures inner its facility.

How Precisely Do You Gain from an Air Curtain?

An air curtain is a modern-day gadget that, when established on a door, varieties an invisible non-stop air curtain, stopping the break out of conditioned air and the entry of hot, humid, and polluted outdoor air. Not solely will it minimize your electrical energy bills, but, it will additionally assist hold cleanliness and hygiene at the favored level.

Mitzvah air curtains are reachable in one-of-a-kind fashions (horizontal and vertical) and at 5 exceptional speeds. They are appropriate for 2.5′ door openings. Wide, with speeds from thirteen m/s to 25 m/s and beyond. These speeds are divided into 5 exclusive fashions for our privileged customers.

Mitzvah Air Curtain – What to Know

Every one of us who has visited the mall has walked thru the air curtain at least once. These units are a must-have for any store, retail chain, or provider establishment. With an air curtain, you can limit airflow and, relying on the season, limit warmth or cooling losses from opening exterior doors. How air curtains work and what options are on the market – right here are some realistic tips.

Due to the distinction in air temperature between the two facets of the entrance door, when the door is opened, the heated or cooled air irreversibly escapes to the backyard – these effects in a giant loss of electricity that should be compensated via heating or cooling the room. Using a vestibule can clear up this. This problem, however, due to the small dimension of the rooms, is no longer continually feasible – due to the restricted area reachable for such venues.

Air curtains are a choice of corridors in accordance with the right exercise and relevant law. They generate sturdy airflows directed to doorways in parallel and tangential planes, stopping drafts and warmth loss in winter, and heat air infiltration into cooled and air-conditioned rooms in summer.

Operating Principle of Air Curtains

Most of the air curtains on the market are compact units that are hooked up at once above the outer door. Manufacturers provide compact air curtains in various versions, such as B. economical, standard, or based design. The air curtain consists of a furnished air grille, an exhaust air grille, and a fan. An add-on to this machine is an electric-powered heater or water heater. The air curtain creates a robust airflow from the slotted outlet grille. Air flows diagonally throughout the slats and is pumped and heated through fans, generally placed internally in the air curtain. This creates a sturdy planar airflow that creates an air barrier that prevents backyard air from flowing in thru the open door. Heated air curtains are used in small retail outlets and industrial businesses due to the fact they no longer require heating in the shape of radiators that take up treasured space.

Mitzvah Air Curtain – What Does the Market Offer?

There is a range of curtain options on the market for those swimsuit architectural needs. Air curtains can be categorized in accordance with the temperature of the granted air – heat air and bloodless air. Use heat curtains for passages and doorways that humans use. In off-the-beaten-track places, such as B. driveway gates, we use cool curtains. Structurally, we distinguish between single-flow or double-flow curtains. For industrial applications, use curtains with horizontal airflow (e.g. for vehicle doorways in industrial plants).

House air curtains are generally made of galvanized steel, powder coated. The air curtains are on hand in distinct lengths; widespread lengths are 1500, 2000, and 2500 mm. The air curtain has a variety of 2.5-4.2 m – relying on the mannequin chosen and the situation. The exceptional preference of air curtains needs to create a dynamic airflow in the mild all through the entrance opening, which will efficiently block bloodless or warm air from getting into the indoors of the building. In this case, the use of an air curtain can limit warmth loss by up to 80% and limit your electrical energy bill.

Using air curtains in bloodless storage additionally eliminates door icing and prevents fog formation when moist air mixes with indoor air. Whether the door is open often or often, it is well worth thinking about putting in an air curtain system. The restaurant additionally makes use of air curtains to separate smoking and non-smoking areas. Such devices can moreover highly limit heating or air conditioning costs, rely on the season, and supply remedies to human beings living in the building.

The Profits of Using Air Curtains in Hospitals


Commercial air curtains in hospital

Hospitals have challenging and crucial environments, not just for the doctors and nurses who work hard every day to save lives and provide a high standard of care but also for the patients. Managing the logistical demands of large healthcare complexes is challenging, from controlling energy usage to monitoring air quality to ensuring patients have access to food prepared in a hygienic setting. so air curtains in hospitals are great options for patients.

An air curtain, additionally regarded as an air door, is a machine that blows a managed movement of air throughout an opening to the different facets to create an air seal. Because they assist to include heated or conditioned air, they supply tremendous strength financial savings and extended non-public alleviation when utilized in industrial or industrial settings. They additionally assist to cease the infiltration of pollution and flying insects.

Do Air Curtains Keep Flies Out?

Yes! and mosquitoes, yellow jackets, and bees too. Air curtains, from time to time referred to as fly fans; furnish an excessive speed flow of air throughout a door or window opening that maintains pests like bugs from coming into the building. These flies and different small insects discover the air circulates too effectively for them to fly via and if they try, they are blown down or sideways earlier than they can enter the building.

How Do Air Curtains Work?

There are two solutions to this question, thanks to the truth that there are two wonderful sorts of air curtains. The first kind is known as a non-recirculating air curtain. These air curtains have a tendency to be the most famous amongst many organizations due to the fact they are much less high-priced to set up and value much less to maintain. The second kind is known as a recirculating air curtain. These air curtains fee greater cash to install and keep however are additionally extra effective and superb as air barriers. These air curtains have a tendency to be perfect for entrances with strangely excessive tiers of foot traffic.

Both sorts of air curtains carry air into the device via an intake grille and then use a fan to propel or speed up the air. The air passes via what is referred to as a plenum, which helps evenly distribute it and make certain a constant movement of air alongside the complete size of the air curtain. Since most air curtains are set up at the pinnacle of a door opening, the air then shoots down; masking the opening with what is, in fact, a waterfall of air.

Non-recirculating air curtains solely consist of a pinnacle unit, which sits above a door or opening and discharges air downward. Recirculating units, meanwhile, appear like high-tech doorframes or metallic detectors. They have a full rectangular or rectangular layout that spans all aspects of the door opening. This format lets in the air discharged at the pinnacle of the air curtain to be accrued at the backside of the curtain and recirculated lower back to the top.

What are the profits of using Air Curtains?

We have already touched upon the fundamentals make use of air curtains, however for a refresher; they commonly fall into three important categories:

Climate control:- Climate management is probable the pinnacle software for air curtains amongst most industrial enterprises. In groups the place human beings are continuously going in and out, or the place leaving a door open simply makes feel for enterprise purposes, there is usually the chance of warmness transfer. Both occurrences will purpose your HVAC gadget to work that ton more difficult to attain the temperature you have set on your thermostat.

Flying insect and particle control: – Flying insect and particle manipulation is brilliant as well. In the summertime, winged bugs such as flies, gnats, bees, and mosquitoes can fly thru open doorways and home windows and terrorize your personnel or customers. Air curtains let you experience a fantastic open-air sense in your institution whilst nonetheless understanding that these flying bugs are going to be blasted out of the air if they strive to go via the air curtain.

Comfort: – A Comfort Air Curtain from Biddle will grant an energy-efficient answer for your industrial requirements. An air curtain no longer acts as a bodily barrier, however stipulations incoming air and reduces the quantity of heat air escaping from the building. An air curtain ought to consequently decorate alleviation and shop energy.

Where Are Air Curtains Used?

Virtually any commercial enterprise can gain from an air curtain in one way or another. Issues such as warmth transfer flies that won’t go away, dirt or pollen, and drafty air are now not sequestered to any one industry. Instead, these problems can have an effect on any employer in any field, making the doable functions for air curtains almost unlimited.

  1. Food Service (Quick Serve, Restaurants, Schools & Cafeterias)
  2. Retail & Office
  3. Convenience & Grocery
  4. Healthcare & Hospitals
  5. Manufacturing, Warehouse & Distribution
  6. Transportation & Terminals
  7. Indoor Grow Facilities & Processing Plants
  8. Food Processing Plants
  9. Residential
  10. Aircraft Hangers

Mitzvah is provided with commercial air curtains in hospitals and healthcare centers. There have good quality and anti-hygiene air curtains for hospitals.


Energy Saving Air Curtains- A Hygienic Processing Facility Designed by Mitzvah

energy savings air curtains

Air Curtain is a hygienic processing facility that is designed by mitzvah. The air curtains are suitable for every type of field like- warehouses, restaurants, shopping complexes, malls, salons, offices, etc. to keep the dust, flies, insects, bad odor away while maintaining the inside temperature. If you are looking for energy saving air curtains then, go through the Mitzvah air curtain website

In this blog, you will get to know how air curtain makes your environment clean and dirt free-

No matter what building you have, whether it’s an office, school, restaurant, or retail store, it can be difficult to prevent heat loss when there is a lot of traffic. For any building with more doors open than closed, energy-efficient air curtains have the potential to significantly reduce energy costs, but how do they work?

Opening or closing doors allow heat (and energy) to escape from the building. Warm air rises and flows out of the open door, followed by cooler air, replacing it at the lower level. Of course, this happens in any room or building, but doors that open and close frequently or stay open all the time can speed up the process. As more  cooler/warmer air escapes, your cooling/heating system has to work harder to replace it, increasing your energy bills.

Energy-saving air curtains create airflow through the door, creating a “barrier” between the air inside the building and the air outside. These air curtains often have heating elements that increase the temperature of the air to reduce uncomfortable cold drafts as people pass through an open door.

Using air curtains as a barrier ensures that the energy used to heat the building space is not wasted. This results in an overall reduction in the building’s energy consumption, carbon footprint, and operating costs. In fact, recent research in Finland shows that air curtains can reduce door air leakage by up to 86%.

Do you know air curtains can help us save millions of hard-earned money?

A simple mathematical calculation can prove this. Let’s see how:

Energy Calculation

E = m C ∆T

m: Mass of Air

C: Specific heat of Air at a given Temperature

∆T: Temperature Difference

m = Density X Volume

The density of Air at 40˚C = 1.127 Kg/cu. Meter

C = Specific Heat = 1.005 KJ / (Kg ˚C)

∆T = Temperature Difference = 15˚C

(assuming the outside temperature is 40˚C and the inside is 25˚C)

Volume = Area X Velocity of Air from Door X Time of Opening

(Say : Door Size = 8ft X 4 ft

Velocity = 1 m/s = 200 fpm

Time of Opening = 1 min

Volume = 32 X 200 X 1 = 6400 cu. ft. = 181.22 cu. meter)

m = Density X Volume

(from Above = 1.127 Kg/cu. meter X 181.22 cu. meter

= 204 Kgs)

E = m C ∆T

= 204 kgs X 1.005 KJ / (Kg ˚C) X 15˚C

= 3075.3 KJ = 0.85425 KWh

Thus –

India if Per KWH cost of Power is Rs 8.10

The cost of Opening the Door of Size 8ft X 4ft for 1 min is = Rs 6.92

Cost of Running an Air Curtain of 4 ft = 400W (Input Power) for 1 minute = 6paise

Rate per kWh X Time X Power Input

8.10 X 1/60 X 0.4 = 5.4 paisa

Net Saving = Rs 6.92 – 0.06 = Rs 6.86

Saving per Hour= Rs.7*60min=Rs.420 per Hour

Thus, you can see how Air Curtains help us save Rs. 420/hour. Also, they create a comfortable and amiable environment by keeping mosquitoes, flies, and other pollutants away.

However, air curtains can only deliver on their energy-saving promises if they are properly designed, manufactured, and installed by experts in the field. As with most technologies aimed at reducing waste and increasing efficiency, air curtains must be sized and selected for the application or they will not achieve the desired thermal and energy savings. Therefore, to ensure that your investment is worthwhile, you should definitely use the services of a trusted provider.

Mitzvah is leading air curtain manufacturer dealing with latest technology and ventilation solution. We design, build and install our technology in India. For more information on Mitzvah and our range of energy savings air curtains solutions, contact us today for a free no-obligation quote.